Sunday, November 27, 2011

C'mon Parents Pay Attention to Your Children!

“Parents simply don’t understand the problems teenagers go through.”

I have to agree with this statement after reading this book. Melinda’s parents we’re kind of stupid in this story. Her parents we’re always busy. They always worked and never paid any attention to Melinda. Only a few times did they notice her but not really a lot. I believe the first time her parents noticed her throughout the whole story was around Christmas.  “They gave me a handful of gift certificates, a TV for my room, ice skates, and a sketchpad and pencils. they said they noticed me drawing” pg 72. But the if the parents knew what was going on in her life. They’d figure out she was only drawing because it got  her away from the problems shes having.

Another example is when Melinda cuts her inner left arm in an attempt of suicide. "If a suicide attempt is a cry for help then what is this? A peep, a whimper?" Her parents blame everything on her. They don’t care whats going on their life. They just like to blame anything on her. If her parents knew what was going on they would problem at least somewhat help her out. She would be having amazing grades, an amazing social life, she wouldn't be home being depressed. I think they would have at least notice how she stopped going out every now and then. That’s a sign right there that there’s something wrong!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Compare and Contrast

In this book I have realized their are a lot of things the same as in real life. This book has the same kind of drama teens deal with in their high school lives. This girl I know has actually had everything the same happen to her but her friends didn’t leave here. They stuck by her side and helped her out with things and she actually got pregnant from it. They found the guy that raped her and of course he went to jail. Now that shes older she regrets going to parties when she was younger. Oh and I forgot she wasn’t in 9th grade though she was in 10th.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

True or False?

“People who are quiet have something to hide.”

    I totally this disagree with this statement. It doesn’t matter if your loud or quiet. You might be quiet because your shy and you don’t want to talk to many people or maybe your just socially awkward, you don’t like talking to people. While there’s other people who are loud and likes to express their feelings or just like being the center of attention or just like being with people.

    I can honestly say that most people that are loud are hiding something because you don’t suspect they would be hiding something because they express their feelings... So you think. For example, this girl Annabell is always loud, outgoing, and loves to meet new people, but what you don’t know is that she hides that her parents fight everyday and gets abused by her dad. Its a true story most people are like that and hide their personal life and pull off a fake one and pretend they have a happy life.

    I know this boy that’s quiet in school and doesn’t really like talking to people but a few of his close friends. His a really nice kid. There’s nothing wrong. He never hides anything from his parents. His always honest and tells it how it is. This kid is always happy even though you might think his depressed or a freak, but you shouldn’t judge him until you really meet him.

    So lets say you see a quiet girl walking the halls and shes doesn’t talk to anyone on her way to class, you think shes hiding something? That’s not right. Haven’t you heard, never judge a book by its cover? Maybe she just has a lot on her mind and she just wants to be alone. It doesn’t necessarily mean she has something to hide! It just means shes on a mission to not be late to class. Simple as that.

    As you can see quiet people don’t hide anything and if so its just maybe because they don’t want to talk about it. So therefore they hide it. But most people do this. Loud, quiet, popular, or even the band geek. They all have either something they hide or they just don’t want to talk about.